
Gorillaart, aka Tom 'Sully' O'Sullivan, began quietly as a 'thing' in 2016.


I like to make things, in fact, I need to make things and create, there's a part of me that won't settle unless it's making. The meaning comes from wanting to do it, from doing it and from spending time with the making. People say they're not artists but I think what they really mean is that they can't subscribe to an idea of themselves being an artist because in their minds the fact that they haven't been on a course or got a certificate means they have no business calling themselves an artist. We're all artists, it's just that our medium is different. I never imagined that anyone else would like what I make and it still is difficult to come to terms with and it's important to know that we don't see how others do - there's some beauty in knowing that everyone is having their own unique experience.

I've used the name Gorillaart rather than my own in a sense to seperate the art and give it its own space in a life that is commonly busy and distracted by obligation, family life and external stressors.

If I can help or answer any questions then please get in touch on our contacts page. I'm not on social media, I don't have the time or inclination but we'll reply within two business days where possible and I'm grateful for your visit.